Sunday Mornings

Time: 10.30am – 12.00pm

Address: 196 Seacliff Road, Bangor, BT20 5HA

Our Sunday morning meeting is accompanied by a live-feed on our YouTube channel. 
Join on YouTube at 10.30am:


Our Sunday evening services happen on the third Sunday of each month, apart from during the summer. Presence has finished for the summer now, but stay tuned for updates on when the next Presence will be.

Current Teaching Series: Click here

How are we meeting?
We’d love to see you in person on a Sunday morning, but if you’d like to join us from afar you are so very welcome to connect with our meeting online via Youtube (details are at the top of the page). We’ve found that this has been a great first contact for people who have later joined in person and then become part of the Kings Church family.

We’re really looking forward to meeting to pray and worship together on Sunday. Below is some information you might find helpful:

Doors open at 10.15am and the meeting will begin at 10.30am.

There is plenty of free parking along Seacliff Road opposite the church and a large carpark a little further along.

Children’s groups will run during the main meeting, for children in Primary school and below. All the children join the adults in the main hall for a short worship time before leaving for groups. For more info click here. 
If you’re attending with a baby or toddler and would prefer to have them with you, they’re very welcome to be in our main meeting or if you need a little more space, we have a family room available downstairs – equipped with toys and with a live feed to the main meeting so you can stay connected while your little one plays.

Where to sit
You are welcome to sit wherever you like though be aware that some areas will be more visible on our live-feed (see below). If the hall is very full then our welcome team are on hand to guide you and direct you where to sit. 

Filming the service
Please note that the service will be live-streamed to Youtube. We will never film close ups of people in the congregation, or film times of prayer ministry. The majority of footage is of the people leading and speaking at the front but if you would prefer to be completely out of shot then we recommend sitting in the back two rows of the hall.  

Church is about connection and relationship with one another, so we love to have time at the end of our service to catch up over tea and coffee.  Please stay around for this time if you are able as we’d love to see you!

We don’t currently pass a basket around for people to give money, however there will be a basket at back of the main hall if you would like to give something towards the work that we do as a church. There is also a contactless device for one-off donations, and you can set up regular giving or one-off donations via the website:
If you are a visitor to the church then please do not give us any money! We are just happy to welcome you.

The youth at Kings Church are an active group who meet regularly. Young people of secondary school age meet on the third Sunday of each month for Breakfast Club upstairs in the Balcony Room during the service, and there’s youth fellowship every Sunday evening.
Click here for more info about how to connect your young person with the youth group.

We are really looking forward to worshipping and praying together on Sunday and expectant that Jesus will meet with us!