At Kings Church, we do our utmost to ensure that everyone is kept safe. All staff and volunteers working with children and vulnerable adults must undergo an enhanced ACCESS NI disclosure and attend regular safeguarding training.
A copy of our Safeguarding Policy can be requested by emailing [email protected]
We have appointed Myles Christy as our Designated Child Protection Officer.
Our child protection officer is the first person to speak to if you have any concerns around the welfare of a child or adult with vulnerability.
Please contact Myles (see details below) if you have any concerns or queries about children or adults in the church, either that they are suffering harm, or are causing harm to others.
To view our procedure for responding to concerns or allegations, see here: Responding to concerns.
To report concerns please download, print and fill out the following document, recording concerns form which can be viewed here: safeguarding report form

Designated Child Protection officer is Mr Myles Christy ( DCPO )
(see photo)
Contact details for the Safeguarding team members are:
Myles Christy: 07891 236 506
Steve Garrett: 07973 828 077
Caroline Maule: 07596 717 571
In the event of an emergency related to the safeguarding of a child, you can contact:
Gateway Services SEHSCT
Contact details during office hours:
0300 100 0300
Emergency out of office contact details
028 950 4999