Prayer is a fundamental part of who we are at Kings. There are a number of ways to explore prayer with us:

Sunday Morning Prayer

Every Sunday morning, we meet together before the service begins, from 10am – 10.15am. To pray for those involved in the meeting, those who will be coming and for the children’s work.

We also wait and listen for a sense of God’s direction for our church family.

All are welcome at this prayer time.

Prayer Ministry Times

As part of our Sunday services, we usually make time at the end of the service for people to respond to the teaching and to receive prayer.

Sometimes this will be as simple as everyone staying seated or standing quietly and reflecting on the words that have been spoken, asking God to show us if there are areas in our lives that need to change or if we need to ask forgiveness from others, or from God.

Other times there may be something specific that our prayer team could support you with – maybe something is said during the teaching and you feel you want to respond by asking for prayer in this area.

Or perhaps there’s a situation in your life that feels hard, or overwhelming and you would like to be able to bring it before God and ask for help. Our prayer team are here to support you and pray with you. You don’t ever have to say any more than you’re comfortable with, but we would love to pray with you as you come before the Lord.

We believe that prayer changes things: circumstances, communities, relationships, work situations, finances, health… we don’t always get the answers we’re looking for but we’d love to support you as you bring your questions and struggles to the Lord, the God of all hope.

Regular Zoom Prayer Meetings

We meet regularly through the week to pray together on Zoom. There are opportunities to join with others each week at the following times:

Tuesday at 9.00 pm,
Wednesday at 12.30pm and
Thursday at 7.30am.

At each Zoom prayer time, the person hosting the meeting will open by reading a few verses from the Bible, with a key thought and then we’ll give space for people to share any prayer needs and also include some pointers for prayer from the Leadership Team. 

To join a prayer meeting simply click on the links below:

Tuesday Prayer – 9.00pm
Meeting ID: 844 936 2904
Passcode: prayer

Wednesday Prayer – 12.30pm
Meeting ID: 844 936 2904
Passcode: prayer

Thursday Prayer – 7.30am
Meeting ID: 844 936 2904
Passcode: prayer


Regular In-Person Prayer Gathering

We find it so important to regularly meet together to pray – sometimes for specific areas such as our kids and youth or for upcoming community events, and other times more generally. It is so encouraging to spend these times together waiting on God and seeking His will for our church and community, and everyone is welcome to join. Meetings take place currently in the Fountain Centre at Queen’s Parade Methodist at 7.30pm. Upcoming dates for our prayer gatherings are as follows:

Monday 7th April
Monday 12th May

Global Prayer

Our monthly Global Prayer meeting is on the second Sunday of each month, and the next one will be on 13th April.

We start at 9.00am and finish by 9.45am so we can all get to the meeting on time.

Connect to the meeting using the following info:
Meeting ID: 844 936 2904
Passcode: prayer