We know that there are a number of great organisations doing great work in our town and the surrounding area and we’ll continue to support The Storehouse, YMCA and their work.
But we want to be well placed as a church to join with these other groups to support the greater needs of our community.
We’ve created a Community Support Fund in the hope that we can match up the resources that some of us have, with the needs of others.
There are two ways to engage with our Community Support Fund:
1.You can give some of your own financial resources into it in order that more people’s needs can be met.
Click here and choose Community Support Fund from the drop down menu
2.You can apply to the Community Support Fund.
If you come acwww.kingschurchbangor.org a need – a friend or neighbour is struggling in some way, then you can apply to the fund and we can give you up to £100 as a mini-grant from the fund.
We’d love you to think creatively about how this money could help others in your community. Maybe someone could do with a grocery shop, maybe there’s a family with a new baby who might need some supplies…or a local shop worker who’s day could be improved with a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates?! All ideas will be considered!
Just email [email protected] with the following details and we’ll get back to you:
- Name
- Phone Number
- Purpose for the Money