As part of our care for one another at Kings, we operate a pastoral care network.
Pastoral care happens at Kings in many different ways, but the majority of pastoral care happens through our Community Groups. Community Groups are the key environment for pastoral care to happen, and for everyone in the group to feel looked after.
However, there are situations that make it difficult for people to commit to a Community Group – or there are times when it doesn’t feel appropriate or possible for your Community Group to help. This is when our pastoral care network steps in.
The team on the Pastoral Care Network will work alongside or instead of your Community Group and can help with:
Emotional support through difficult life events: Losing a job, marriage breakdown, a major illness or accident
Hospital Visits: Help with transport, company at appointments, visiting those who are sick or have had an accident
Meal rotas: for new babies, bereaved families, those recovering from hospital treatment etc…
This network is coordinated by Lesley Stewart and includes a team of people who share in pastoral care. Please contact Lesley using the number below if you or someone you know could benefit from the support of the team.
The Pastoral Care Contact Number
is 07935 160666
Or email: [email protected]