What is the Kingsmen vision?

The story of Moses on a hill above a battlefield where Joshua was fighting the Amalekites comes to mind. When Moses held up his hands Joshua was winning the battle and when his arms dropped due to fatigue, Joshua started to lose.  Two of his mates – Aaron and Hur – held up Moses’ arms (it doesn’t say whether he asked them!) and Joshua won through. 

This is not a commentary on the many horrendous and hard to understand battles fought in the Old Testament, but rather a testament to the fact that Moses needed a couple of mates to get alongside him for support in a time of struggle.

In essence, that is the heart of Kingsmen. Men getting alongside other men to offer support and help on the journey. 

Jude vs 3 says this:

‘I felt compelled to write to you and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people’.

That’s the Church, made up of broken but redeemed people, bruised and battered yet Holy Spirit-filled people, who need the support of each other to effectively ‘contend’ for the good news of Jesus and for the Kingdom of God. 

So Kingsmen is about men contending together to build up our own faith and to reach out to others to contend for them too. We all need ‘Aarons’ and ‘Hurs’ in our lives to rock up, probably uninvited, and hold up our arms when we can’t do it in our own.

What are the Kingsmen events?


First Sunday of each month
Fountain Centre (beside Queen’s Parade Methodist Church)
7.45 to 9.15pm

We all all need Fuel, right? To live our lives every day, to fulfil what God has called us to, we need Fuel – the fuel of the Holy Spirit.

But we need support too, to share stories, hard times, good times, to worship together and to pray together.

That’s what Fuel is about – an informal space to meet up informally over coffee and treats. Maybe to engage our manly competitiveness a bit, and to worship and pray together. 

Hope to see you there.


Refuel is our quarterly Men’s Breakfast event. Pure and simply it’s a breakfast for men.

The heart behind this event is to give an opportunity to invite friends to share some food and to chat together around the table. 

At each event we will invite someone to come and give a short testimony.

The next breakfast is on Saturday 16th November, and this time we’re heading to Clandeboye Golf Club! Find out more and sign up here.

Walking Football

SERC Sports Hall 
Every other Tuesday at 8pm
£3 per week
Only men allowed 

Walking is good for our mental health and what man has never dreamed of scoring the winning goal in the FA Cup Final?

So a bunch of guys have combined ‘walking’ and ‘football’ and created a Walking Football group. We play every other Tuesday at SERC Sports Hall.

The heart is for a 50/50 split between those who come to Kings and those who have no church connection. At the start of the match someone says a quick prayer (for no injuries!) and then we play. We hope that when we can established a bit, someone may share a short testimony with the group at half time.

Indoor Bowling

Glencraig Church Hall
Every Monday from 7.30-10pm, with a break for tea and coffee in the middle
£1 to cover refreshments

Walking Football sound a bit too energetic? Why not try indoor bowling with some of the Kingsmen on Monday evenings? This is a long-running regular event run by Glencraig Church that some of us will be taking part in, and you are so welcome to join us!


Every few months we will meet up for a social event, which is open to guys from the church as well as friends or colleagues. Here’s what we have lined up:

FootGolf: Saturday 19th October at 11am – SIGN UP HERE