If you would like to give financially to the ongoing work that Kings Church is doing, there are different ways that you can give.
Online Banking
For regular giving or one-off gifts, the best way is through bank transfer or standing order. You can set this up yourself through your online banking using the following details:
Payee: Kings Fellowship
Account no: 81053817
Sort code: 95-01-25
Reference: (see below)
If you wish to donate to a particular area, you can use the Reference to specify one of the following:
MINISTRY (our local work)
MISSION (our overseas work)
BUILDING (renovation project)
OTHER (please specify)
Lesley Stewart will be in touch with you to confirm if you would like us to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation (25p for every £1).
In Person
Another way to give is by filling in a standing order form in person. This can be done any Sunday morning by collecting a form from the Connect Area at the back of the hall and giving it to Lesley Stewart or another member of the Kings staff or leadership team.
There is also a basket at the back of church where you can donate a one-off gift. Envelopes are available where you can specify the area you wish to donate to and give your details for Gift Aid.
Finally, in the foyer there is a contactless machine for simple one-off donations by card.
Through our website
There is the option to donate online here. You can set up a one-off gift or standing order, however please be aware that we pay a percentage of each donation in fees, so we would ask that you only use this option if you cannot use the other methods above. We are grateful for any gift, but every penny counts and we want your donation to be of the most use possible.
Kings Fellowship – HMRC Charity ref no: XN70534 – NI Charity ref no: NIC102752